Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What was Daily Life like in the middle ages?

              The majority of families lived in small houses often with one bedroom. Life expectency was short, the average life expectancy was only 35 to 40 years! Children were expected to help their parent with gouse chores. Parents tryed to launch their grown children into a solid adult lifes. Many medieval europeans married with no ceremony. Outside castles they had towns with markets and farms for food and water. Kids were expected to keep the house tighty and neat while home. The men left to be soldiers or to go and get things or go to work. Woman also stayed home and helped tighty up and take care of her children. Marriages didnt last very long because of the life expectency and the parents usually ended up dieing at a very young age.

What was school like in the middle ages?

              Most children went to school at age seven and ended at 14. There were no strict rules that all children had to go to school and when they ended school. Some schools had a series of forms, of grades through children gradually advanced. Teachers sat in desks and the kids sat on the floor or on benches. Students had very little supplies but they took there notes on wax tablets.

Women taught their daughters how to manage households and care for children so the girls could be prepared for the future, Sons of wealthy a wealthy or noble family learned and trained to be a knight. Formal education in reading, writing and other academic subjects were only available threw churches. Students studied a specific set of subjects including grammar, arithmetic, astronomy and music.

What did children learn at school?

              Some children usually the sons of merchants or traders were sent to commercial schools, where they were given instruction in Arithmetic and Latin. Latin and Grammar would usually only be taught when children are seven and older. They also learned the alphabet, main prayers and psalms. Little children listened to folktales told by there parents. Older kids were taught songs and poems by listening to minstrels perform.
            Boys might help their father in the fields and also help with hunting. Girls were taught to take care of a household and care for children. Some children didn’t even go to school because they were to poor and they were not required by law to go to school. Lots of kids wanted to go to school and learn so they could be educated. Some smarter kids went to universities and learned more advanced things.

Were all people educated?

              No, not all people were educated; some poor children rarely had the opportunity to attend school. In richer families are children were educated and went to school. They were either educated by hiring a home tutor or just going to school. Some people felt that all children needed to be educated so they could have a good future and to get a good job. To get a good job they needed to learn different things for different types of jobs.

            All poor children wanted to go to school and learn but some rarely had the opportunity. It was not required by law to go to school in the middle ages but it was important to be educated and knowledgeable.  Poor children either went to school or worked on the farm or did house chores with there families. Most schools were run by churches. Some jobs you could get were
lawyers, physicians, merchants, sailors, military people, bankers, and so on but you had to be highly educated and knowledgeable.