Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Were all people educated?

              No, not all people were educated; some poor children rarely had the opportunity to attend school. In richer families are children were educated and went to school. They were either educated by hiring a home tutor or just going to school. Some people felt that all children needed to be educated so they could have a good future and to get a good job. To get a good job they needed to learn different things for different types of jobs.

            All poor children wanted to go to school and learn but some rarely had the opportunity. It was not required by law to go to school in the middle ages but it was important to be educated and knowledgeable.  Poor children either went to school or worked on the farm or did house chores with there families. Most schools were run by churches. Some jobs you could get were
lawyers, physicians, merchants, sailors, military people, bankers, and so on but you had to be highly educated and knowledgeable.

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